Friday, 9 May 2014

EPA may force disclosure of fracking chemicals after public backlash

The Environmental Protection Agency took its first step towards demanding companies disclose the chemicals they use in hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas production, which could be a launching pad for regulating the fracking industry as a whole.

The prerule is in response to a citizen petition by Earthjustice, a legal non-profit focusing on the environment, under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). 

Earthjustice, along with 114 other groups, petitioned the EPA in August 2011 to require “toxicity testing of chemicals and mixtures used in oil and gas exploration and production; reporting to EPA, among other things, the identity of those chemicals and mixtures; and submitting to EPA health and safety studies on the chemicals and mixtures,” the EPA said in its ANPR.  

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