Saturday, 26 April 2014

NYC judge obliges internet providers to disclose foreign emails to US govt!

New York Magistrate Judge James Francis has ordered Microsoft to turn over their customers’ emails and other digital content to law enforcement agencies, even in case the data is being stored on servers physically overseas. The initial search warrant was issued last December in regards of one of Microsoft’s clients who stored his data on a server run in Dublin, Ireland. An undisclosed US agency sought information that could be found in the person’s email, such as the customer's name, credit card numbers or bank account used for payment.Once Microsoft found out that target’s account was hosted on an Irish server, it refused to comply, pointing out that the US search warrants could not be extended overseas.

But Judge Francis disagreed with the notion, claiming that unlike a “traditional” search warrant, a warrant seeking digital content is regulated differently, in accordance with the Stored Communications Act federal law. So yet again, The American government is trying to extend its tentacles and infringe the rights of ordinary people across the world.

Read more about this here.
Click the link and then skip in the top corner.


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