Friday, 2 May 2014

EPA advances approval of powerful weed killer ‘Agent Orange’ GMO crops!

The US Environmental Protection Agency has revealed a proposal for mass use of Dow Chemical’s herbicide 2,4-D on the company’s genetically-engineered corn and soybeans. The GE crops were developed to withstand several herbicides, including 2,4-D. For anyone who doesn't yet understand why the Government and corporations want to use 'GMO' foods, It's simple really. They want to grow GMO crops that can survive once sprayed with their chemicals, So organic natural foods fail and we have no choice but to eat the poisoned food.
The 2,4-D chemical, combined with glyphosate, makes up the herbicide Enlist Duo. 2,4-D also makes up half of the toxic mix in the now infamous 'Agent Orange,' used by the United States during the Vietnam War, which is thought to have resulted in the deaths of 400,000 people and birth defects in 500,000 others!  

“With this decision it is clear that the EPA is serving the interests of Dow Chemical and the biotech industry rather than protecting our health and the environment,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety. They are waging chemical warfare on its own people and should be held fully responsable when there is increased rates of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, endocrine disruption, and low sperm counts, among other conditions. 



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