Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The real intention: IGas finds shale at Barton Moss fracking site!

Despite iGas's original planning application to drill 2 exploratory boreholes for CBM (coal bed methane) at Barton Moss, there was no intention to test for shale gas. Yet now they say they've struck shale formations after completing exploration on the site. Drilling has now been suspended as samples taken from the drilling will now be analysed over the coming six months before the exploration firm will decide how to proceed. iGas and the council have lied to everytbody about their real intentions, Just as we knew they would.
They also said it was in the process of acquiring around 100 square kilometres of 3D seismic data in the north west of the country to determine where else to drill for shale gas. And went on to say ''We are pleased that the drilling has completed on time and on budget, We have worked extensively over the last few months with the various authorities to ensure the safety of everyone on and around site including protestors and neighbours''! 

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