Tuesday 1 April 2014

iGas gets permission to frack in Albert Square, central Manchester!

The facist fracking company iGas, currently packing up its exploratory well at the Barton Moss site, has been given the 'go-ahead' to drill for shale gas in Albert Square, the heart of Manchester City Centre!

Following a secret agreement, signed by Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council and Kate Chappell, Executive Member for the Environment, Fracking company iGas has been given the go-ahead to do everything it likes, up to and including pumping whatever chemicals it thinks it needs to in order to bring shale gas up from deep below the city streets.

Kate Chappell said “We see this merely an extension of the Council’s existing work on geo-thermal energy in Ardwick.  You drill a hole, you get energy, same difference.''!

She later went on to say ''Well, after looking at the projected state of our finances after the next £200m in spending cuts, we decided that the thorough and independent study conducted by iGas‘s in-house technicians was good enough for us. Even if it was written on the back of a fag packet.”!

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